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Community Advocacy and Supports

Community, Advocacy, and Supports (CAS) is dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities and their families, ensuring they have greater control over the decisions that impact their lives. With a focus on individual growth, the CAS department offers programming to promote social inclusion and enrich the lives of those we serve.

Natalie Ranker

Advocacy Coordinator

Contact Info

(419) 447-7521 ext. 1172

The Advocacy Coordinator helps individuals find their voice and independence through self-advocay groups such as Unity, Aktion Club, and STIR. The Advocacy Coordinator partners with the community to develop and maintain the volunteer program for the Seneca County Opportunity Center.

SCOC Advocacy Groups

Individuals for Unity

Individuals for Unity

Seneca County’s Self-Advocacy Group

Plans the entire annual Individuals for Unity Conference, an overnight conference planned by advocates, for advocates.

Open to all 18 and over who receive services from SCOC

Individuals for Unity

Seneca STIR

STIR stands for Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility

Train the trainer model, Project STIR graduates teach curriculum to other self-advocates

Seneca STIR members speak on behalf of the county board at various presentations and speaking engagements

Individuals for Unity

SCOC Aktion Club

Kiwanis sponsored club

Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities

Aktion Clubbers give back to the community through service projects and by hosting fundraisers

Individuals for Unity

SCOC Advocacy Council

Meets regularly to evaluate services of SCOC and to share resources and ideas

Council members consist of SCOC board member, SSA, Advocacy Coordinator, community member, and representatives from each service area that report on behalf of others

Opportunity Park was an idea that came to life through this council

Individuals for Unity

Ohio Self Determination Association, NW Chapter

To promote, recognize, and assist in organizing advocacy efforts throughout Ohio

To provide self-determination trainings and resources. Trainings are held at Tiffin University throughout the year and include advocacy topics

To assist advocates to connect with policymakers, educate advocates, and achieve leadership positions

Special Olympics
Ohio-Seneca County

Special Olympics Ohio-Seneca County empowers individuals with disabilities to live active, full, and healthy lives! The Activities Coordinator connects and coordinates the Special Olympics Ohio-Seneca County programming.

Special olympics Ohio participants

Kristina Egbert

Activities Coordinator

The Activities Coordinator oversees Special Olympics Ohio-Seneca County programs and coaches.

The Activities Coordinator facilitates Seneca County Opportunity Center’s After Hours program, which allows individuals who are referred by their SSA to participate in group activities in and around the community with peers who have similar interests. 

Joe Coleman

Activities Specialist

The Activities Specialist oversees the children’s respite program.  The Activities Specialist also coordinates the Seneca County Opportunity Center’s After Hours program, which allows individuals who are referred by their SSA to participate in group activities in and around the community with peers who have similar interests.  

The Activities Specialist also assists with the coordination of Special Olympics Ohio-Seneca County programs.  

Good Life/ Positive Culture Initiative (PCI)

The Resource and Support Coordinator trains staff through Good Life and Positive Culture Initiative (PCI) to encourage staff to utilize positive culture practices focusing on de-escalation techniques, prevention, and engagement strategies to improve the lives of people with developmental disabilities.

Heather Smith

Resource and Support Coordinator


(419) 447-7521 ext. 1115

The Resource and Support Coordinator consults with Service and Support Administrators (SSAs), staff, families, providers, and individuals served regarding behavior support matters and how to develop strategies to support them best.

The Resource and Support Coordinator works with the Human Rights Committee. This committee reviews support plans to safeguard individual’s rights and protects individuals from physical, emotional, and psychological harm.

Janet Zilch

Inclusion Specialist


(419) 447-7521  ext. 1168

The Inclusion Specialist assists individuals referred by their SSA to make connections and become more involved in the community they are living in. These connections include service projects and volunteer work to engage and spark an individual’s interest in giving back.

The Inclusion Specialist works with those in Aktion Club on community projects. Individuals can build relationships, grow their self-advocacy skills, and have more opportunities to learn with the help of the Inclusion Specialist.


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